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Contra Costa: Filing a Domestic Violence Restraining Order

Contra Costa County Domestic Violence Restraining Order FAQs

HelpSelf's county-specific resources will help you file a domestic violence restraining order (DVRO) in your county. This article explains how to file a DVRO in Contra Costa County.

  • Where to file:

You can file your papers in person at:Martinez - 751 Pine Street: If you live in Central County and are married to the person that you want protection from OR if you have children with the person from whom you want protection, you must file at the Martinez Spinetta Family Law Center.Pittsburg - 1000 Center Drive: If you have an existing case that is assigned to the Family Law judge in Pittsburg, you must file your DVRO application in Pittsburg.Richmond - 100 37th Street: If you live in East County or West County AND are not married to the person that you want protection from AND you do not have children with the person from whom you want protection, you must file in the branch court assigned to your zip code. You can find that information here.

  • Who can help review my paperwork?

The court conducts clinics at the Pittsburg and Richmond locations. Check their schedule here.Bay Area Legal Aid can also help you at their clinics. Check their schedule here.The Central County Domestic Violence Restraining Order Clinic is by appointment through STAND! For Families Free of Violence at 1-888-215-5555.

  • How do I file my forms?
  • (1) File your forms in person with the court at the Clerk's Office. Ask when your forms will be ready.
  • (2) Pick up your restraining order from the Clerk's Office either on the same day or the next business day (depending on when the Clerk told you to come back).
  • Do I have to give notice to the Respondent before I file my temporary restraining order forms?

No. Contra Costa does not require you to give notice to the Respondent before filing your initial temporary restraining order forms.But remember, you will still need to serve the document on the Respondent at least 5 days before the hearing date listed on your DV-109.Also, there are no local Contra Costa County DVRO forms for individuals without children. If you do have children, you will need to submit the local Contra Costa - With Children Ex Parte TRO Form.

  • Who can serve my papers on Respondent?

Respondent must be served at least five days before the hearing. The Sheriff's office will serve your papers for free. You can also have someone over the age of 18 who is not party to the case hand-deliver the documents to the person to be restrained. More information here.

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