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Centralize case data, cut hours of drafting time, and easily collaborate with your clients throughout the entire life of a case with customizable automation.
Automated document set for California family law, including all of the child custody Judicial Council forms.
This workflow asks questions to automatically fill out the California Judicial Council Forms for continuing a divorce proceeding, including child support orders, declarations for default or uncontested division of property, property orders, income withholding.
Short Version - Questionnaire to automatically fill out the California Judicial Council Forms for continuing a divorce proceeding. Fills in only fields that appear multiple times.
This workflow asks questions to automatically fill out the California Judicial Council Forms for a Petition for divorce in California. It considers divorces with or without children, and with or without property.
SHORT VERSION: This workflow asks questions to automatically fill out the California Judicial Council Forms for a Petition for divorce in California, fills only fields that occur multiple times.
Questionnaire that generates a filled-in Form 12.902(c): Florida Family Law Financial Affidavit (Long Form)
Automated document set of MC 01 - Summons, MC 21 - Confidential Case Inventory, FOC 23 - Verified Statement, and DCH-0838 - Record of Divorce or Annulment
Automated document set for Michigan's MC 11 - Subpoena and CC 320 - Domestic Relations Verified Financial Information Form
Automated document set for Michigan end of case family law forms, including the spousal and child support orders, judgments, default requests, and orders.
Automated document set including Michigan's DHS-1201D - Application for IV-D Child Support Services, FOC 39 - Friend of the Court Case Questionnaire, FOC 39e - Child-Care Verification
Interactive questionnaire to generate forms for Respondents facing a divorce or custody and parenting time action, including the Answer and Counter Petition for Dissolution or the Answer and Counter Petition for Custody and Parenting Time, the Certificate of Representation, the Summons, and the Notice of Public Assistance.
Interactive questionnaire to general a final order of dissolution of marriage for petitioners in Minnesota.
Interactive questionnaire to generate a final order of dissolution of marriages for respondents.
Interactive questionnaire for attorneys to generate Petition for Dissolution OR Petition for Custody and Parenting Time Certificate of Representation, Summons, and Notice of Public Assistance.
Interactive questionnaire to generate a Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel and a Notice of Filing Order OR a Notice of Entry Judgment. This workflow is meant for Minnesota attorneys who need to end the attorney-client relationship after the case is finished.
Interactive questionnaire to generate the In Forma Pauperis Affidavit, Proposed Order, and the Financial Affidavit for Child Support.