Documate is now Gavel! Read more about why we’re excited about this rebrand.

What's New at Gavel?


What's New at Gavel?

Table of Contents

Feature updates to help you build the most powerful workflows.

Have a feature idea? Add it here, and vote on our product roadmap.
October 16, 2024 Product Update
  • Error messages are now more useful!
    • Builders of a workflow will see more guidance on how to identify and resolve errors in their workflows in many more situations.
    • Other takers of a workflow will see less alarming, more helpful error messages.
August 29, 2024 Product Update
  • Blueprint now suggests fewer extra variables when creating workflows from Word documents.
August 6, 2024 Product Update
  • When using Blueprint to create a workflow from fillable PDFs, questions will be added to the workflow in a more logical order.
July 9, 2024 Product Update

Word Add-In Updates:

  • Navigate your tagged documents more easily. Click “Highlight Syntax” to apply highlighting to all syntax entered in your document.
  • Apply even more formatting to your text and date variables with just a click. New formatting options include:
    • Title case
    • Day (e.g., Third)
    • Day (e.g., 3rd)
    • Day (e.g., 3)
    • Day (e.g., 03)
    • Month (e.g., March)
    • Month (e.g., 3)
    • Month (e.g., 03)
    • Year (e.g., 2023)
    • Year (e.g., two thousand twenty-three)
    • Weekday (e.g., Friday)
  • Bug fixes and enhancements.
    • Fixes an issue where some conditions based on unanswered questions weren’t being inserted correctly.
    • Fixes an issue where conditions surrounding text with certain special characters did not insert correctly.
    • Fixes an issue where decimal formatting was not inserted correctly.
    • Improved error-checking
      • Numerical calculations used with non-number questions.
      • Doesn’t flag properly formatted Clio/CSV variables.
      • Will flag conditions missing the required delimiters.
    • Nested repeating items will be included when all variables in a workflow are inserted using “Insert all”
July 1, 2024 Product Update
  • Generated documents can now be emailed to more than one email address. This feature is available to users on the Standard and Pro tiers.
  • Blueprint performance improvements for long Word documents.
  • Bug fixes and enhancements.
June 24, 2024 Product Update
  • Gavel Blueprint now supports fillable PDFs. Create a new workflow and choose "Start with Documents" to automate your fillable PDF forms using AI.
May 16, 2024 Product Update
  • Gavel is leveraging OpenAI's newest, fastest model to help you build even faster. Blueprint can now identify more variables in less than half the time.
April 29, 2024 Product Update
  • A design refresh for the end-user experience make your questionnaires easier to navigate and allow users to complete them more quickly.
April 22, 2024 Product Update
  • Radio and checkbox fields in PDF documents can be set to always be selected when the document is generated.
  • Updated error messages provide more relevant information about how to resolve the error.
  • Bug fixes and enhancements.
March 14, 2024 Product Update
  • Automate your fillable PDF forms. To get started:
    • Add a new workflow and choose “start with questions” or edit an existing workflow.
    • Upload your PDF in “Document Templates.”
    • Tag variables to your PDF with Gavel’s visual editor.
    • Visit the Learning Center for more guidance.
  • Updated document templates experience. Create a workflow or edit an existing one to:
    • Download and replace document templates right from the workflow builder.
    • Use document templates you’ve already uploaded to your Gavel account without needing to re-upload them.
    • Set the name, format, and order of your workflow’s documents.
March 6, 2024 Product Update
  • Enhanced help resources. Click “Help” from your Gavel dashboard to view articles and videos, launch interactive tutorials, reach out to the Gavel team, search the Learning Center, and more.
  • Performance improvements for Gavel Blueprint.
February 6, 2024 Product Update
  • Clarified error messages shown for invalid workflow URLs.
  • Removed duplicate logo shown in some portions of the end-user portal.
  • Performance improvements for Gavel Blueprint.
January 4, 2024 Product Update
  • Clarified instructions shown to end-users in combobox questions.
  • Bug fixes and improvements to the Document Templates page and Gavel Blueprint.
December 20, 2023 Product Update
  • Simplified Gavel Blueprint experience. Users will see a streamlined review screen and fewer steps when creating a workflow with Gavel Blueprint.
December 7, 2023 Product Update
  • Data persistence in Bundles. Previously-entered data will automatically pass forward to questions with the same variable name in the same Bundle session for all users.
  • The section label for the final review page will now be translated according to your workflow’s settings.
  • Bug fixes and enhancements.
November 21, 2023 Product Update
  • DocuSign integration improvements. Learn more about Gavel’s native DocuSign integration and how to get started in the Learning Center.
  • ~~Documents signed in DocuSign will be returned to Gavel so you can retrieve your signed documents from Data Manager at any time. This feature requires access to DocuSign Connect.
  • ~~View the status of your envelopes in Data Manager and on the final page of your workflow. This feature requires access to DocuSign Connect.
  • Click on section labels as you take a workflow to go back and review that section. Learn more about sections in the Learning Center.
  • Duplicate your invisible logic pages to build powerful, behind-the-scenes logic even faster.
  • Improvements to Gavel Blueprint.
November 16, 2023 Product Update
  • Better suggestions from Gavel Blueprint. Tell Gavel Blueprint which type of documents you’re giving it, and it will suggest questions tailored to your practice area. You may notice better results for templates containing special characters, too.
November 8, 2023 Product Update
  • Streamlined image management. Upload, download, and replace images used in your workflows from the redesigned Images page. To get there, choose Files → Images from your Dashboard.
  • Bug fixes and performance improvements for Gavel Blueprint.
November 7, 2023 Product Update
  • DocuSign is here! Send documents generated through your Gavel workflows to DocuSign for eSignature. Learn more in the Learning Center here. This integration is available to users on the Pro tier.
  • Bundles are now compatible with Elementor. Copy a bundle’s snippet and add it to your WordPress website using Elementor to create a seamless storefront for your legal products.
  • Better support for custom domains with Bundles. For users with custom domains, Bundles embedded on your website will now redirect customers to your custom domain by default.
October 26, 2023 Product Update
  • Subscription management: Admins can now manage their subscriptions directly from the dashboard.
  • ~~Users can immediately view their current subscription plan from the dashboard
  • ~~Bundles is now an exclusive feature that can only be accessed with a Pro tier subscription
  • Streamlined document management: Drag-and-drop functionality is now available when reordering output documents for a given workflow
  • ~~We've made tweaks to our message customization, so you can be more precise
  • Get started right away with the Sample Intake Form workflow: All new accounts will automatically come with a sample intake form, ready to use.
  • Gavel Blueprint updates: Blueprint now processes and delivers results faster with a 2X latency improvement
  • ~~Enjoy a more user-friendly interface that complements your tasks
  • ~~Document navigation has been enhanced to improve your Blueprint experience
October 9, 2023 Product Update
  • Beta: Leverage generative AI to quickly create automated workflows from existing document templates. Learn more in the Learning Center, or click "New Workflow" on your Gavel dashboard to give it a try!
October 4, 2023 Product Update
  • Create single-use Bundles. Use the "allow each user to complete this workflow only once" workflow setting to ensure each user can complete a Bundle only once.
August 29, 2023 Product Update
  • Package part or all of any legal service into a quality, customized product you can deliver and sell online with Bundles.
  • ~~Bundle workflows and deliver them to clients with a simple link or through Gavel's client portal
  • ~~Streamline every client touchpoint, guiding them through a preferred order of operations
  • ~~Generate revenue through set pricing requirements. Our secure payment integration collects, tracks, and routes payments according to your specs.
August 24, 2023 Product Update
  • Download and replace Word templates more easily. From the Output Documents section of the workflow builder, click “Edit Document” next to any Word template to download or replace the file.
August 3, 2023 Product Update
  • Beta: Allow customers to purchase workflows directly from your website. Use an HTML snippet to add a card with Bundle details to your own website.
  • Beta: Test Bundles with one click. Click the Run button next to any of your Bundles to test the taker experience.
  • Beta: Enhancements to Bundle assignment. When builders assign a Bundle to users, the user will receive an email notifying them of the assignment. They will also see the assigner’s name on the Bundle card when they view the Bundle in their taker portal.
  • Access the Date of Birth field from your Clio Contacts when using the Clio Contact question type.
July 20, 2023 Product Update
  • Beta: Account-wide Bundle assignment. Assign a Bundle to all current and future users on your Gavel subdomain.
July 17, 2023 Product Update
  • Beta: Bundle assignment. Make your legal products and workflow sets easier to access. Visit the Bundles page to assign any Bundle to individual users or to all users with a given email domain.
June 20th, 2023 Product Update
  • Beta: Expanded revenue generation tools. Bundle one or more workflows into a legal product (a “Bundle”).
  • For each Bundle, builders can choose to:
  • ~~Group workflows
  • ~~Add flat-fee payments before a workflow or before documents are generated in a workflow.
  • ~~Require that workflows be completed in a certain order.
  • ~~Share a Bundle using a unique URL.
  • Takers can complete bundled workflows and access their Bundles through their portal.
  • Learn more in the Learning Center here.
June 7, 2023 Product Update
  • Client portal experience enhanced. Infrastructural changes to move our client portal experience into a hyperfast environment. This can now be previewed by Admin and Builder accounts at, and sets the foundation for many more improvements to come.
May 9, 2023 Product Update
  • Sort sessions in Data Manager. Click the arrows in a column title in Data Manager to sort all sessions by the value of that variable.
  • Performance enhancements. Users should see quicker load times when working with CSV questions.
April 12, 2023 Product Update
  • Performance improvements and enhancements to Zapier functionality.
March 14, 2023 Product Update
  • Refreshed the user interface to reflect the Gavel brand.
March 7, 2023 Product Update
  • Use the API to retrieve documents from sessions completed through the API.
February 16, 2023 Product Update
  • Organizational Users can now download their documents from Data Manager.
  • Whitelabel error messages. Add your own support email address in your System Settings so that your clients can contact you directly if they encounter questions or errors.
January 18, 2023 Product Update
  • Manage Document Templates. Go to Files > Document Templates on your dashboard to see the enhanced page where you can view, download, and bulk replace your output document templates.
  • Additional languages supported when formatting numbers as words.
  • Fetch documents through the API. Enterprise customers can now GET output documents and uploaded files from completed workflow sessions. See the documentation here.
January 4, 2023 Product Update
  • Share Data Manager Access. Admin users now have access to all data on the account. This means that converting multiple users to the Admin user role will allow them to share and collaborate on data across the firm in Data Manager.
December 21, 2022 Product Update
  • New User Roles. Users can now have one of four roles: Admin, Builder, Organizational User, or User. Read about these user roles here.
  • ~~ Data Manager for Organizational Users. The Organizational User role can access Data Manager to view, edit, and re-use data from all sessions they have created while logged in. They will only have access to data they created.
  • ~~ Data Persistence for Users. The User role will see their previously-entered data automatically pass forward to questions with the same variable name when they complete additional workflows. For example, if a User entered the name "John Doe" in a prior session, their name will automatically persist as "John Doe" in all workflows they complete. This feature eliminates duplicate data entry for your clients and end-users.
  • User Management. Admin users can now add/manage users from the Users page.
  • Assign Workflows for Users to Take. Builders can assign workflows for other users to take using the icon next to the workflow name on their dashboard. This is in addition to a prior feature allowing Builders to assign editing rights to workflows.
  • Repeating Item Support in the API. Repeating Items can now be assigned a value through the API.
  • Enhanced Webhook Support. Configure webhooks in the Integrations section of your workflow settings.
  • ~~ Add headers to your webhooks.
  • ~~ Configure multiple webhooks per workflow.
  • ~~ Customize the name of your webhooks.
December 13, 2022 Product Update
  • Repeating Items within Repeating items. Add repeating items within repeating items to your workflows and tag them to your Word documents through the Word add-in.
  • Word Add-In Updates:
  • ~~ Improvements for logic based on Clio and Repeating Item variables.
  • ~~ Improved speed and spacing when inserting paragraph conditions in Microsoft Word Online.
  • Other bug fixes and enhancements, including the ability to use single and double quotes in Invisible Logic text variables.
November 21, 2022 Product Update
  • Add limits to the number of repeating items. Check the Settings tab of your repeating item for the options Minimum Number of Items and Maximum Number of Items.
  • Filter questions on Builders screen. Builders can now filter questions, page titles, and variables using the sidebar for an easier building experience. These questions can also be filtered by question type.
  • End-User portals are now screen-reader compatible.
  • Other bug fixes and enhancements.
November 1, 2022 Product Update
  • Dashboard for Takers. As part of our work to bring you a full client portal, end-users are now directed to a page listing all of the workflows they have taken, the date created/updated, and can either continue the session or view all of their answers for the session, as seen below.
  • BETA RELEASE: Data Manager for End-Users. Organizational end-users may take the same workflow more than once, so they will soon have access to Data Manager (like Builders do, but limited to just their own data). If you want early access to this feature, email us at [email protected]
  • Customize more settings. Go to Settings System Settings on your dashboard to change:
  • ~~ The global language for all workflows. (Note: You can still set language settings individually on specific workflows)
  • ~~ Timezone. Change your timezone for timestamps
  • ~~ Currency. Changes the symbol that comes through on workflows/documents when numbers are formatted as currency
  • ~~ Update your logo or favicon directly in the dashboard
  • Data Manager "Documents" download. You can now download the generated documents and file uploads from any workflow as a zip file directly from Data Manager using the Documents column
  • Smaller enhancements and bug fixes:
  • ~~ Clio fields now displayed in order of the workflow in Data Manager
  • ~~ Complete workflows and all emails/triggers/webhooks through API. If you're using the API to send Gavel all values for a workflow and the review screen is set to be skipped, "Create and Populate a New Session" will now autocomplete the workflow and trigger all workflow completion actions without interacting with Gavel
  • ~~ Default values for yes/no questions fixed
  • ~~ File uploads added to repeating item questions can be sent via email
September 21, 2022 Product Update
  • Workflow sharing! Builders can share workflows with other Builders using the "Send Copy to Builders" button on the dashboard, allowing collaboration on workflows
  • Limit workflow access. Limit each user to taking a workflow only once using Settings > Access Permissions > Allow each user to complete this workflow only once
  • Default values. Multi-select questions can now have multiple values selected by default
  • Data Manager will now be populated with information from Zapier or webhooks
  • More SSO. Additional SSO integrations added
  • Enhancements to login process and master dashboard
August 10, 2022 Product Update
  • Workflow-by-workflow access permission settings. Go to Settings > Access Permissions on any workflow to limit who can access the workflow by email address or global domain
  • Summary page will now be hidden if a user responds "no" to the existence of a repeating item
  • On Builder view, search bar is added to variable name dropdown in repeating item logic
July 11, 2022 Product Update
  • API feature update: Documents can be sent to other applications through webhooks / Zapier (video demo here)
  • Builders can omit the final review/summary page at the end of any workflow as shown here
  • User interface improved for large text area fields in Data Manager
June 30, 2022 Product Update
  • Word add-in Updates:
  • ~~ Access the session ID of a user's workflow through simple variables to display their unique ID in the document
  • ~~ Numbers that are displayed as words now have capitalization options directly in the Word add-in
  • ~~ Use the ordinal version of a number
  • ~~ Repeating Items formatted as multi-line lists or tables are now highlighted for better visibility (no effect on end-document)
June 21, 2022 Product Update
  • Global Search functionality is added to Data Manager to allow users to search for clients, matter, or data across all workflows
  • Word add-in Syntax Checker improvements
June 7, 2022 Product Update
  • New Data Manager is released. See the video below for a brief overview
  • Optimizations and speed improvements to opening workflows, generating documents, and emailing documents
May 26, 2022 Product Update
  • Beta: New Data Manager is released to customers who asked to be in the beta release. The following features are implemented with this release: 
  • ~~1. Revamped design to see all fields (see intro to revamped Data Manager)
  • ~~2. You can filter and sort data based on values assigned to variables for better search and analytics (see how to filter/sort)
  • ~~3. Combine two or more sets of data together
  • ~~4. Bulk delete entries
  • ~~5. New fields for creation time, update time, and user identification
May 10, 2022 Product Update
  • Adding manual line breaks to text area questions is now possible in workflows
  • Dashboard and output document design enhancements
March 30, 2022 Product Update
  • Word Add-in Updates:
  • ~~ "Generate Multiple" documents can now be tagged in the add-in
March 23, 2022 Product Update
  • User guidance and help guide implemented throughout Builder dashboard
  • Performance and speed improvements
March 8, 2022 Product Update
  • Word Add-in Updates:
  • ~~ The number of options that are checked in a multi-select question can now be added to your document using the add-in (see these in Simple Variables and Numerical Calculations)
  • ~~ Login improvements to allow auto-login, faster login, and to allow users with multiple subdomains and API keys to save information in the UI
  • ~~ Fix for flashing in certain Word Online versions
  • ~~ Improved performance for options containing HTML formatting
  • ~~ Syntax Checker improvements
February 25, 2022 Product Update
  • Gavel can now be used as both a Trigger and an Actions in Zapier (see here)
  • Infrastructure changes to improve speed and performance
  • API update to allow multiselect values to be sent as an array of strings when creating new sessions
January 31, 2022 Product Update
  • All sorts of repeating item features:
  • ~~Logic can be added to repeating item attributes
  • ~~Separate instruction blocks can be added on repeating item pages
  • ~~Help text can be added to repeating item attributes
  • More behind the scenes improvements to make workflow-building more seamless
December 15, 2021 Product Update
  • Master dashboard revamp. This is part I of more features coming in 2022, and allows you to:
  • ~~Access, replace and download global document templates.
  • ~~Load images to be used and displayed in workflows.
  • ~~Easily access and create API keys.
  • ~~Use new Sample Intake Form to get started more easily.
  • Choose whether to attach file uploads as attachments to emailed documents under Settings > Include File Uploads as Attachments.
  • Ease of use enhancements.
  • ~~Workflow no longer asks "Would you like to submit your information?" before emailing the documents out.
  • ~~"Reference a repeating item" questions do not require complex syntax and display properly on the screen.
  • ~~Identify the number of checked values in a multi-select variable with the following format:  {{ VariableName.number() }}
  • ~~Email address field for Stripe questions.
November 12, 2021 Product Update
  • Gavel Public API is ready. See documentation here.
  • Set maximum and minimum number of characters allowed in responses.
  • Clio fields can be left blank and can have additional logic applied to them.
  • Stripe paywall upgrade.
  • Images can be inserted into headers as a variable.
  • Word add-in supports more complex date and numerical calculations within logic.
October 4, 2021 Product Update
  • Gavel Public API for pulling in data from other sources (in addition to our already-existing custom integrations).
September 27, 2021 Product Update
  • Review page will only show questions triggered by logic.
  • Customize the text for "Save and Continue Later" and accompanying email triggers .
  • Multi-select variables available in invisible logic options.
  • Other small improvements and bug fixes:
  • ~~Better notifications where a workflow has missing variables.
  • ~~User improvements to Zapier and invisible logic.
  • ~~Allowing usage of numbers less than 0.00001 in a repeating item sum.
August 25, 2021 Product Update
  • Document Output Types. Output Document settings make it even easier to choose whether documents are output as Word, PDF, or both.
  • Send emails to Variable Names. Emailed documents can be sent to variable names (not just static email addresses).
  • Language Settings. Choose from 18 different languages that can now be set on a workflow by workflow basis instead of solely for the entire account.
  • Update documents directly from Microsoft Word using the "Update in Gavel" button (without needing to upload documents to Gavel).
  • Add page/question logic based on a variable being blank.
  • Improved notifications for missing variables.
  • Synchronous notifications for missing variable names.
  • Ability to generate documents even where variable is missing.
  • Other improvements
  • ~~Enhancements to apostrophes, which are now allowed in answer choices.
  • ~~Load new versions of a PDF without removing tagging of the old version of the PDF.
  • ~~Performance & speed improvements for pages with many questions.
  • ~~Sending variables to Zapier is now also supported where documents are emailed from Gavelto your email address.
July 19, 2021 Product Update
  • Page and Question Duplication. Duplicate pages and questions in a workflow with the click of a button.
  • Word Add-In allows you to "Insert All Questions and Variables" to easily create an easy response or intake form (see video here)
  • Logic can be applied to CSV questions.
  • Prettier URLs. Use the "link" button on your Dashboard, and you'll see that the workflow URLs are now cleaner.
  • Other Improvements:
  • ~~User interface improvements.
  • ~~Multi Select and Single Select questions will no longer have different syntax for logic. They will be interchangeable, leading to a better user experience.
June 10, 2021 Product Update
  • Zapier Integration is Ready! Push data out of Gavel and into Zapier-connected apps. Here's a brief video showing you how to do this to push into Excel, and we'll be profiling more use cases in our YouTube tutorials. You can also use webhooks to connect to non-Zapier software if they have the proper API.
  • Master Dashboard redesign allows you to more easily access what you need.
  • Set default values for fields, which will appear in the field if the user does not change or enter a new answer. Go to "Settings" on any question, and type anything into the "Default Value" field.
  • Repeating Items no longer require an "Initial Question." Will there always be at least one of a repeating item? You can now toggle the "initial question" to be off, so that you jump straight into the questions.
  • You can also eliminate the blank review table that shows when there are zero of a repeating item. See this video here.
  • Enhanced Invisible Logic. Set variables to equals the number of items in a repeating item. For example, if you have a repeating item for "children", you can now "Create New Variable" and set it to equals "children number". Then, you can use that new variable throughout your workflow and in complex output documents. More repeating item functionality coming to Invisible Logic in the near future, too!
  • Other improvements:
  • ~~Simple Multi-select variables will display only the checked option regardless of whether "true values" is used.
  • ~~Warnings throughout system, including on the "taker" side, to ask "are you sure you want to delete this."
  • ~~Updates to Word add-in: Enhancements to Check Syntax button.
May 11, 2021 Product Update
  • New Side Panel! See your whole workflow at once glance and move questions and pages
  • Updated Word add-in features (insert these with the Word add-in without any code):
  • Insert a specific instance of a repeating item by using the Item Number dropdown in the Repeating Item section of the Word add-in. For example, instead of adding all children, choose to insert the first child and the first child's date of birth.
  • Enhancements to Check Syntax button.
April 28, 2021 Product Update
  • Updated Word add-in features (insert these with the Word add-in without any code):
  • ~~Format numbers and numerical calculations as words.
  • ~~Sum all of the values from a repeating item directly in the add-in, like this under "Calculating the Sum of a Repeating Item Attribute".
  • ~~Picking from a list of Clio contacts in a repeating item? Use the "comma list" and "oxford comma list" dropdown to format Clio Repeating Items with commas and an "and" before the last item.
  • ~~Enhancements to Check Syntax button.
March 20, 2021 Product Update: Spreadsheets, Invisible Logic, and More
  • Pull data from spreadsheets to store data that can be accessed by any workflow (a lookup or reference table). Watch the video here.
  • Change messaging for all final screens and emails, including the ability to add variables into email subject lines and outbound emails. Details on all the customizable messages here.
  • Select multiple Clio Contacts at a time in response to Repeating Item questions.
  • Create variables behind the scenes without asking for the information in a question block.
  • Enhanced "invisible logic" to allow you to set complex and/or logic to questions and pages, create new variables to capture date and numerical calculations in the workflow, and simplify complex calculations. Watch these videos on the main use cases.
  • Option added to calculate the last day of the month.
  • Clio questions can now have logic applied to them.
November 17, 2020 Product Update
  • Added capitalization, lowercase, and upper case options in the commalist functions for repeating items.
  • Roman numeral support added for the auto-numbering function.
  • Enhancements to Data Manager.
  • Style updates.
October 15, 2020 Product Update: Enhanced Output Document Logic
  • Enhanced "complex" logic can now be added to determine which documents are generated at the end of a workflow. Watch this video to learn more.
  • Enhanced ability to sum and subtract variables within the same repeating item or variables between different repeating items.
  • Added "sort" function to repeating items, so that you can sort repeating items by date.
  • Next/prior business day methods added to calculate a date that falls on a weekend.
  • Parse_time function was added to allow use of time of day variables.
September 9, 2020 Product Update
  • Add section labels on the side panel to your workflows to help users understand where they are in the process.
  • Format numbers as words using the "Format As" button in the Word add-in.
  • Use "Insert All Variables" in the Word add-in to add all variables to an intake document.
  • Use "Save and Continue Later" button to allow user to save or send the workflow session.
August 30, 2020 Product Update: Clio Integration is Here
  • Use the Clio integration to pull information from Clio Matters and Contacts into your Gavel workflows. Watch the video here.
  • Stripe integration enhancements. Read our instructions on connecting to your Stripe account.
  • Password protect your workflows with a kickout page.  Or use a kickout page to build an expert system.
  • Learn more about the full power of using Repeating Item questions (and new ways to format them) in Word Documents in this deep-dive video. Use the "refer to next item" option for many estate planning use cases.
  • New Combobox question type to add a single-select list, but also allow the user to free-type anything they want to.
  • Check Syntax feature released in Word Add-in to ensure custom syntax is accurate.
July 1, 2020 Product Update: Additional Repeating Item and Output Functionality
  • Reference a prior repeating item question's answers in a future repeating item or multi-select/single-select question like this.
  • Choose whether your emails send the docx version, the PDF version, or both.
  • Improved error handling.
June 1, 2020 Product Update: New Functions for Word Documents
  • Customize how any number (phone numbers, SSNs, EINs) is displayed.
  • Add custom numbering within the text for your sections and articles like this, freeing yourself of Word's form fields.
  • Refer to the next item in a list, which is useful for estate planning situations referencing what a subsequent child or successor will receive, among other use cases.
  • Multi-line options for text area variables.
  • Set logic based on blank values.
March 10, 2020 Product Update: Duplicate Documents for Repeating Items

If you have a Repeating Item question (example: for children or shareholders), you can now generate a customized duplicate document for each of those children or shareholders using the "Generate Multiple" button.  That means that each child or shareholder will have their own custom document with their own information in it.  Read more about this here.

February 25, 2020 Product Update: Add Custom CSS

Add custom CSS to your interviews to change styling, fonts, sizes, and anything else.  Our Gavel developers can help if you want to build custom styles.

February 9, 2020 Product Update: Repeating Item Updates

See all repeating items on the review page.  Use the "Collect on same page" feature to change the display when gathering repeating items.

January 10, 2020 Product Update: Data Manager and multi-user interviews are here!

Data manager will allow you to create answer files that transfer data between workflows and allow for multi-user interviews.  Watch the video on how it works here.

December 10, 2019 Product Update: 5 new features come to Gavel
  • Generated documents tab. See all of your Generated Documents on your Master Dashboard.  This shows you all the documents that were generated from your workflows, whether completed by you or your clients.
  • Attributes of Repeating Questions can now be "not required."
  • New look. With the help of a UX expert and months of testing, we launched a new and improved questionnaire interface with a cleaner and wider layout.
  • Add PDF fields. Add new text and checkbox fields on your fillable PDF through our PDF unlocker.
  • Larger logos.  Users can now upload larger logos to display their white-labeled brand.
October 28, 2019 Product Update: 3 new features come to Gavel
  • In an effort to keep our customers as a core part of our new feature development, we just launched our "What's New at Gavel" newsletter, where we'll be updating you on new and upcoming features.
  • New Features on our Word Add-In.  You can now add complex boolean logic, format and perform calculations on dates, and perform more complex numerical calculations on our Word plug in.
  • Add Logic To/Based on Repeating Questions. One of our most powerful question types is "repeating" or "looping" questions.  We've added functionality to allow you to set page logic based on whether there are any of a repeating item and set logic to those repeating items.
  • New Functionality for Fillable PDFs.  You can now add conditional text, calculations and multiple variables to PDFs.

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